mesothelioma prognosis stage 3

At stage III, the cancer has spread throughout the lung lining and chest on one side of the body. Curative surgery is usually still an option, if the cancer is resectable, along with other treatments such as radiation and chemotherpy.

mesothelioma prognosis stage 3

mesothelioma prognosis stage 3

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Treatment with surgery is recommended to patients in good health.
Frequent chest pain is a typical symptom.
Treatment focuses on pain relief and extending life expectancy.
Stage III is a progressed stage of mesothelioma that responds to surgery and traditional cancer treatment. Prognosis depends on response to treatment and the extent of lymph node involvement.

In this stage, tumors have spread throughout the lining of the lungs and chest cavity on one side of the body. The lining of the heart and diaphragm are affected, as well as the chest wall or nearby fatty tissue. Cancer cells have spread to nearby lymph nodes, but not to the opposite lung lining.


Symptoms of stage III may be mistaken for a lung infection like bronchitis or pneumonia. Shortness of breath, dry coughs, chest pain, tightness in the chest, and fever may be noticeable at stage III. The symptoms of stage III mesothelioma are caused by tumors growing on the affected lung lining and throughout the chest cavity. Symptoms may vary from patient to patient depending on how the cancer is spreading. A tumor invading the chest wall may cause increased chest pain, while tumors forming around the lung may cause breathing difficulties.

  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tightness of chest
  • Dry cough
  • Chest pain


Stage III tumors are considered locally advanced, but surgical removal is possible with extensive surgery. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used to further rid the body of cancer cells following surgery. A treatment plan using curative surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy has produced the best survival rates for people with stage III mesothelioma. Multimodal therapy is recommended to stage III patients who are in good enough health to handle the aggressive treatment approach.

Extrapleural Pneumonectomy
At stage III, tumor spreading to surrounding tissue and lymph nodes requires an extrapleural pneumonectomy surgery to remove all the cancer. The affected lung and its lining are removed during surgery. The lining of the heart and half of the diaphragm are removed, as well as affected lymph nodes. Recovery usually requires a two-week hospital stay.

Once recovered from surgery, chemotherapy can begin. Most patients receive systemic chemotherapy through an intravenous drip. Less commonly, heated chemotherapy is circulated through the chest cavity during surgery. Chemotherapy drugs like cisplatin, carboplatin, pemetrexed and gemcitabine are most often used to treat mesothelioma.

Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy is also administered after surgery. However, new research has found an increased survival rate when radiation therapy is applied before surgery to shrink tumors. If the cancer returns, radiation therapy might be recommended to keep the tumor in control. Chemotherapy may be recommended again if the cancer returns.

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Numerous long-term mesothelioma survivors added alternative and complementary therapies to their traditional treatment plan. Some complementary therapies improve overall health or boost the immune system, such as dietary therapy and yoga. Certain ones may help cancer symptoms or reduce side effects caused by cancer treatments. And others, like certain herbs, are proven to improve survival rates when combined with chemotherapy.

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